Jual Maxell LR44 Alkaline Button Cell Battery dengan harga terjangkau
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Consumer Battery And Charger

Maxell LR44 Alkaline Button Cell Battery

Rp 22.000 Warranty: Non Warranty

Specification :

  • 1.55 Volt

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Designed for today's watches, electronics and digital equipment, these LR44 batteries offer excellent storage capacity, high performance, and reliability. This battery is used in a wide variety of applications, like calculators, thermometers, electronics toys, small radios, cameras, and other low drain equipment. It is also a popular replacement battery for Lighted Fishing Bobbers. This LR44 Alkaline Button Cell Battery is 1.55 Volt and has a capacity of 120 mAh. 

This LR44 Alkaline Button Cell Battery is 1.55 Volt and has a capacity of 120 mAh.

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