Jual Tie Her Up Rock n Roll M10 Limited Edition Strap 100cm dengan harga terjangkau
  jpc@jpckemang.com   021-7180487

Camera Straps

Tie Her Up Rock n Roll M10 Limited Edition Strap 100cm

Rp 2.095.000 Warranty: Non Warranty

Specification :

  • Strap kamera
  • Perfect for any Leica M of course, for the Leica Q, the Sony A7, the Fujis, the Olympus and other mirror less cameras and DSLRs.
  • Berkualitas, lembut, kuat, dan tahan lama
  • Nyaman saat digunakan
  • Panjang st

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Many of our clients, lovers of the Rock n Roll straps,  were asking if it was possible to make a thinner Rock n Roll. We tried and finally managed to make a Rock n Roll about 5mm thinner than our classic one (now that Leica made the thinnest digital M up to now. You can see the difference in width of our classic  Rock n Roll strap and the new M10 in the  picture.

We will only make 501 numbered Rock n Roll M10 Limited Edition straps from each size. The straps come numbered accompanied by a certificate.

Rock n Roll straps are beautiful, completely hand made, constructed from 45 to 70 pieces of leather assembled and stitched by hand.

RnR straps are already the choice of many Leica photographers.

Rock n Roll straps are inspired by the guitar straps many Rock n Rollers used for their guitars during the 60s and 70s.

KompatibilitasFor any Leica M, the Leica Q, the Sony A7, the Fujis, the Olympus and other mirrorless cameras and DSLRs
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